
Setting up Microsoft Exchange

NOTE! If you have not already done so: Go to this page, and download and install the Exchange Update. You can tell if you have because after the update Echange it will be known as Windows Messaging.

We strongly recommend that you download the Microsoft Mail and Newsreader. Even after the update Windows Messaging is a poor client.

First you'll need to determine if Exchange is installed. Easy! Is the In-Box on your desktop? Yes. Then skip the next section. No? OK. Open up Control Panel, then Add and Remove Programs. Under the Windows Setup tab, check Microsoft Exchange. Viola!

You should now have the In-Box icon on your desktop. Don't bother fooling with it…for now it's useless.

Adding Internet Services

Exchange doesn't automatically come with the capacity to connect to the Internet. You'll need to enhance it by either buying and installing Microsoft Plus! Or by downloading the Microsoft Internet Explorer. In either case Internet Services for Exchange are installed.

Configuring Exchange

Exchange is used by Windows 95 to Get mail from the Microsoft Network, Send Faxes and Internet Mail. If it's not properly set up and configured. You'll end up with a mess where faxes will "sent" via the MSN, MSN will pop up when you try to send Internet Mail….You get the idea.

You specify which services and how they will be delivered by setting up Profiles. Since you can easily get screwed up here. We suggest that you only have Internet Mail and (if you use Netscape), Netscape Internet Transport in your default profile. If you wish, you can set up FAX, CompuServe and Microsoft Mail, but you are on your own.

Setting up the Profile

To set up your profile, go to My Computer >> Control Panel >> Mail and FAX. This will bring up your default profile. Leave this alone and press Show Profiles then Add. The Inbox Setup Wizard will take over and guide you. Here's the path it will lead you down and what to enter:

Use the Following Internet Services: Internet Mail and Netscape Internet Transport >> Next.

Profile Name: How about Internet Mail. >> Next.

Method to Connect: Modem. >> Next.

Internet Mail Server: >> Next.

Method: We suggest Automatic to make Exchange behave like other mail readers. >> Next.

Your Email Address: (NO CAPITAL P!) Real Name: your name. >> Next.

Mailbox Name: your username in lowercase (NO CAPITAL P!) Password: your password. >> Next.

Address Book: If your new to this continue on. >> Next.

Personal File: Same as above. >> Next.

Start up group: NO! >> Next.

Done! >> Finish.

Running Exchange and Final Setup

OK. Now we'll need to connect to NetRunner. Once you've connected open up Exchange. It's probably using the wrong profile, so open Tools >> Options >> General tab. If you use Exchange for Faxing and MSN select Prompt for Profile under When Starting Microsoft Exchange, if not choose always use Internet Mail. Exit Exchange and start it again. Now it should come up with Internet Mail. Tools >> Options >> Services. Select Internet Mail and press properties. You'll be presented with a two tabbed box. The General tab has all of the info you entered in the Wizard, the Connections tab should have Connect using Network checked. Do not use Remote Mail >> press Schedule. Select a reasonable time like 20 minutes.


That's it. There are a bunch of other settings you can play with. But basically you are set up. Use the online help to learn more about CC: BCC: and other intricacies of Exchange.

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